Monday 14 January 2013


I had made a promise to myself, small and simple
No expectations I’ll have that they’ll trample.
But that small flicker, that small hope of care
Never knew would leave me feeling so bare
I hadn't asked for much, or did I?
What gave them the right to make me cry?

I kept accepting the little they had to offer
Thinking that in time it will all get better
Just to realize how naïve I could be
Did not know I had only worse to see.
Unconditional love I had promised to give
But a little care even I do need to live.

I bent my ego, bent over backwards with care
Hoping I could peel away the hard layer
And get to a softer core that would melt
That would with me have lovingly dealt
Gone is the illusion, shattered is the hope
Now I can feel the air around, a tight rope!

Somehow I still want to believe that I am wrong
Angel winged you’ll come and with love throng
But again, it’s all a dream, a figment , a wisp
Of an unfulfilled dream, now I can only lisp
For the surmise that had made everything pour
Has already gone far out of my door.