Friday 15 June 2012

Bring it on!

Hello everyone, specially one!
        If the sun could have shined at night, it would have been a sunny night tonight! I don't know about all of you, but for me, that first comment on my blog, (totally unexpected!) has me feeling so elated, I'm doing a strange dance in my room right now! (I guess, the exclamation mark after every sentence is clear testimony to that!) I have to get up early tomorrow (and study), and it is already pretty late. So I suppose I'll have to postpone a proper post for now. But this one's just to let the world know that JustAnotherGirl is here to stay! The Blue Periwinkle This one I owe only to you!
Bring it on,
PS: This was written a night and a day back! but looks like I had forgotten to click on Post! :D

Tuesday 12 June 2012

A close too soon :( :)

Hello to anyone who is listening! :)
I have been browsing through my blog and I realise how it comes across as an unplanned, hap-hazard and meaningless one! Too much blabbing, and yet it lacks the butterfly-ish look of a blabber blogger!
I come across as someone confused, tangled in the knots within, a girl TRYING to be the next big thing. Yesterday, I was serious, and yesterday I was random, and yesterday I was talking basically nonsense! And that is who I actually am! You can't make head or tail of me, else I won't be me!
I am the kind of person who'll be serious with teachers, formal with acquaintances and downright crazy with close ones! Probably, that is why I am more temperamental here. I am used to changing my roles according to the people around me. Here, I have no one (practically!) and perhaps, I cannot decide which one to be here. I know what you're going to say. It's obviously going to a Just-be-yourself!
But this muddled up girl is me...So I figured out something today...Fiction, I can't write, and my life isn't juicy enough for anyone to care. It kills my ego to say so, but I don't seem to be cut out for this. I hate to give up, but there seems no point in going on...So looks like this is my fourth and last post in the bloggers world!
However, in the unsuccessful attempt of fulfilling my daydreams, I came across a wonderful blog. And if you're regretting visiting my blog, read this amazing blog to make your day!
Bidding adieu,
Keep smiling (I sure always am, well mostly at least!),

Monday 11 June 2012

Another beginning, hopefully better!

Hello again!
Tonight I'm on a roll! :D
However, 0 comments, 0 followers, that, well, just sucks! So I was out there trying to grasp the tricks of the trade. Here's what I learnt tonight!

What you shall now read, is the result of tedious research and a lot of hard work. A lot of information there is confidential. Hence, before continuing to read, you must swear to secrecy. In case of any default, you are liable to punishment as may be decided by the Whimsical Court of ApprehensivelyYours.

Keys to becoming a successful blogger: 

1) Make your blog look good (Whatever they may say, looks DO matter!)
2) Bring out your madness!!! Yo! yo! yo! (Cause no one wants drab 'n' dull! Damn, while putting up those previous posts I had to work so hard to be all uptight, phew! finally I can write like me!)
3) Tag important bloggers in your post (For this, I would like to extend a huge thank you to Nihareekaa....Please don't sue me for copyright issues...(I'm a huge fan ...*drooling eyes* (that should save me the legal troubles))
4) Post often (The world should constantly be irked with your presence!)
5) Add photos (Remember, how much you hate text books without colourful pictures!)
6) now, now, now....Rest are going to be my trade secrets. Hah! what did you think, I'd hand over all my research to you for free! Not so easy!

So to all you novices out there, Learn from me!!! Sigh, probably I should reserve that for the day I get a 100 followers (if ever!). But did I tell you, I'm a dreamer. I dream with eyes wide open. And you know what I'm seeing right now, I see myself with 1639 followers, I see people waiting for me to post, I see myself oh so successful! Come on (*puppy eyes*) you have to help fulfil my dream, together we will create a better world blog, and a happier world me!

Now, I would like to solemnly swear that I am a useless madcap, who is here to bore you to death. And if you dare to leave me without comments (and good ones at that too), you're dead meat! (just kidding!) (or am I?)
Well, enough for tonight! :
Smile your biggest smile (and write me a sweet comment :P)

The blabber blogger! :p

Hello again!
Sigh! The last time it had at least been 1 comment(s). Now, I'm down to 0 comment(s).. :(
Which makes me muse, why am I actually here, to tell a tale no one wants to hear, to relate a story that has no plot, to describe a life so mundane...And then I say to myself I'm here not to get the Oohs and Ahas of the world (though that indeed is the dream!...shhh!). Now now, don't you worry I'm not giving one of the here-for-a-greater-purpose shit! I am simply here cause it's 2:00 in the night and sleep is so far away, I'm tired of waiting for her to come. So that's what brings me least I can blab, right!

When people do special things for special ones,
I wonder if I am special enough for someone,
I read mushy novels and begin to dream
Of one who'd sweep me off my feet,
I hear gooey lines and I hope
Someone'd say them to me
And yet, I say I hate cheesy!
And that makes me wonder if I'm all fake!

When people act all jealous and envious
I raise my eyebrows at them all,
When people act all superior,
I look down upon them,
When it's other people,
I'm the preacher.
And yet, I think I'm better than she!
And that makes me wonder if I'm all fake!

My friends sometimes call me Swami Vivekanand and sometimes Sanki (translation: insane!). So either I have Multiple Personality Disorder or else sometimes I'm just not me.., wondering which is worse!

If you have made any head or tail of what I wrote today, hats off to you, cause then you already get me better than I get myself (or else you're just as insane as me) !!!

Kudos for putting up with the blabbing,
Keep smiling,